Friday, July 9, 2010

My good friend, Cdw 100, is not happy with me. I think he may be upset that i removed him from this blog. But i had a good reason to. He never did anything. Im sorry to anyone who is an author, but im not going to have anyone else working.

If you see Cdw 100's penguin on CP, tell him, "Why?".

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys I love this site...and gues what? I witnessed the cutest little scene at music jam 2011. Cadence and franky were both in the town, and he said he had to leave. So she went up to him really close, and said "bye franky see u later" and he said bye and then she did the heart sign and he winked at her and he was gone it was soooo cute... but I totally agree they make the cutest couple. I saw your post on them, and I have some cute stories I wrote about them together if u want to see them. Reply if u want, 
